"The Misfortunes of a President"

In the backstage of a grand auditorium, Joe Biden prepared for a crucial speech. As he adjusted his tie, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. In his hand, he held a Solana coin, a symbol of his commitment to progress.

With his mind filled with memories and ambitions, Biden geared up to face the challenge. But as the time to speak approached, the tension mounted. Feeling the pressure, he took a pill to calm his nerves.

When he finally took the stage, the room suddenly filled with water, causing chaos and surprise among the crowd. Biden struggled to stand firm, but the water threatened to drown out his message. Despite the turmoil, he managed to deliver his speech with determination, as the water continued to flood the venue.

As his presidency neared its end, with crises looming on every front, Joe Biden found himself at a crossroads. 

As Biden struggled to keep his head above water, gasping for breath amidst the chaos, his hand brushed against the cool metal of the Solana coin. In that moment, clarity washed over him like a wave. He realized that his salvation, his lifeline amidst the storm, lay in governing with the support of Solana.

With renewed determination, Biden took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto the Solana coin as if it held the key to his survival. In that moment of connection, he understood the transformative power of blockchain technology and decentralized finance. He saw a path forward, where the principles of transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity embodied by Solana could guide his administration towards a brighter future.

For a fleeting instant, Biden allowed himself to envision a nation thriving under his leadership, buoyed by the promise of Solana.

Armed with this newfound clarity, Biden embarked on a mission to harness the potential of Solana to address the pressing challenges facing the nation. He understood that by embracing the opportunities presented by blockchain technology.


"Government Budget Allocation"

Total Supply

1Billon Tokens


80% Goes to LP
10% Marketing
5% Treasury
5% Dex


0%/0% Taxes


"Nonprofit organizations"